Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Last First Weigh In

Week one = Success!  I was down 3.4 lbs this morning.  I don't expect such a big whoosh every week, but the first week is as expected because of water weight and what not.  However, I do expect that this will be my last first weigh in.  I will reach my goal no matter what and there is no "starting over" just continuing on.  There will be great weeks, not so great weeks, and down right nasty weeks.  But each new week is just that, a new week.  I suppose I could view each week as a "starting over" regardless of how the previous week played out.  For now I will make weekly goals at the beginning of each week.  The thought of monthly goals is too daunting and I may think of something for the month of June but for the last few weeks of May I will just stick with weekly goals.

Last week goals were:  Tack everything daily.   Done. Simple yet effective.

This week's goals:                               
~Track daily
~Exercise at least three times.
~Drink 64oz of water daily.
~Eat a better breakfast. 

A banana at 10am is not healthy when I've been awake for several hours.  At the end of the day I have all these points that I just have to find something to get my points in.  I've been trying to keep myself busy with housework to distract from eating and it works quite well in the morning, a little too well.

Previous weight: 207
Current Weight:203.6

Monday, May 9, 2011

First Week in Review

This past first week has been awesome.  Call it beginner's high or what you will and I know it will soon fizzle out but I gladly hang on to this feeling for as long as it lasts. I also know that tomorrow morning's weigh in will result in another jump up and down and all around moment because I can already feel the difference and honestly I always have a great first weigh in. 

I tracked every day, I didn't focus on activity and lacked getting my daily goal of 64+ oz of water.  But I reminded myself slow and steady will get me there quicker than going full force and burning out like I have always done. Tortoise and Hare anyone? There were two (would be) obstacles that I just planned, tracked, and moved on.  First was a movie night at Landen's school.  They served free hot dogs and cokes.  I packed my own diet coke and baked lays. BTW Southwestern Ranch rocks! Casey stocked up on candy for the kids and I did sneak M&M's that I later ate while watching Grey's Anatomy.  The second obstacle was Landen's yearly Blue and Gold banquet for the Cub Scouts.  I ate what they served which consisted of chicken strips, potato logs, rolls, and cookies.  I consumed all that I was given.  I knew going in what they would be serving as it's the same every year.  I planned this day by eating less points during the day which wasn't hard. By the time I got my "hair did", dressed myself, and three boys that didn't leave much time for thinking of food.  There will be times that I will eat beforehand for such events but mostly I will plan my weekly points accordingly because I want to experience these things with my boys and not having them remember that mom was always dieting.  It's all about sustaining this lifestyle not making drastic changes all at once.

                                             Mother's Day 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Momma's gotta brand new hair do'. Mixed reviews in my house, but I'm loving the summer feel and surprisingly enough it's SO much easier to fix.

Everyone Starts Somewhere

Ah, the dreaded numbers.  I can be having a great "feel good" day and then one look at that number on the scale can stop that feeling on a dime.  Thankfully with this last absence of being on plan, I have kicked the habit of weighing everyday.  Of course it was more avoidance of the scale rather than a conscious effort of non scale hopping. Without further adieu here's my somewhere.....

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Beginning of A New Beginning

Courtesy of BluQuote

So what if I have started Weight Watchers 1,235,124  many times. 

Who cares that I have walked into one meeting and paid my membership fee and never went back, well other than maybe my husband.

 Today, May 3, 2011 I have recommitted and I am sure I will have ups and downs, ins and outs, and a few thousand infant like tantrums along the way and I finally realize it's OK. I will make my goal whatever and whenever that shall be. As a few can attest, I am very hard headed strong minded when I want. And I want. Today is my 9th wedding anniversary to my loving, supportive husband and father to my three boys and I can only fantasize of where I will be on our 10th.  This year shall pass whether I am making a positive change or not. So why not?

  Here's to never giving in and to never giving up!