Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Beginning of A New Beginning

Courtesy of BluQuote

So what if I have started Weight Watchers 1,235,124  many times. 

Who cares that I have walked into one meeting and paid my membership fee and never went back, well other than maybe my husband.

 Today, May 3, 2011 I have recommitted and I am sure I will have ups and downs, ins and outs, and a few thousand infant like tantrums along the way and I finally realize it's OK. I will make my goal whatever and whenever that shall be. As a few can attest, I am very hard headed strong minded when I want. And I want. Today is my 9th wedding anniversary to my loving, supportive husband and father to my three boys and I can only fantasize of where I will be on our 10th.  This year shall pass whether I am making a positive change or not. So why not?

  Here's to never giving in and to never giving up!

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